
Salt – Is it Good or Bad?

Salt has been used to flavour and preserve food for pretty much as long as humans have been on this earth. Before salt became readily available it was as valuable as gold and used as a form of currency. Read more


Unlocking Potential

Author: Rodney Olsen.

When he was just eight years of age his father was murdered in front of his mother. That moment forced Richmond, his mother and his five siblings out of their home and into one of the world’s largest slums. Life had changed in an instant. Read more

marriage debate

The Marriage Debate: Why History, Society and Religion Regard it as Heterosexual

Author: Stephen O’Doherty | Open House.

Heterosexual marriage has been a building block of society for thousands of years.

Ancient history tells us that while same sex relationships have been evident in many civilisations, including Greek and Roman cultures, there was never a question of calling such relationships marriage. Read more


Raising Great Kids by Setting Boundaries

Setting healthy boundaries for your kids is hard, but you can do it! Hear how being a “mean” mum in the eyes of your children allows you to raise healthy, God-honouring kids. Read more


A Life Controlled by Drugs – Now Marked By Mercy

Just over 3 million Australians use illicit drugs each year*.

Author: Annette Spurr

The above statistics are disturbing, and so is the reality of living with drug addiction.

Read more

The Power of Forgiveness

Tim Sisarich from New Zealand was asked by “Focus on the Family” to travel the world, making a documentary on the state of the modern family. However, he didn’t count on it raising issues in his own life. Particularly in the area of forgiveness.  Read more