Tag Archive for: happy families

really listen to your child

7 Ways to Really Listen so Your Child Shares More

By: Dr Justin Coulson

Dear Dr Justin,

My husband and my 9 year-old son are constantly fighting. It’s little niggles here and there. But it is non stop. They are constantly talking past each other and he (my husband) has started getting really angry. How can we make things better between them? Read more

over-scheduling kids

Are We Over-scheduling Our Kids?

By: Dr Justin Coulson

Dear Dr Justin

My kids are in a lot of after-school activities. They swim and play a musical instrument each. Two of them do drama, and all three are in Saturday sport. My husband and I are arguing about how much is too much. It’s impacting on our time together as a family, and our budget. But the kids are tired and don’t seem to love much of what they’re doing even though they’ve chosen it. I want them to do less. My husband wants them to keep going and also wants to add maths tutoring. Is there any research to tell us what is right and wrong? When I was a kid, I played netball. That was it. I’d love some advice. My kids are 5, 7, and 10.

Exhausted. Read more

who our children become

Success: Why We Should Focus On Who (Not What) Our Children Become

By: Dr Justin Coulson | Happy Families

“I’ve got a question for you”, the cab driver stated expectantly. I was on my way to give a talk about parenting. He had asked where I was going and why, and his eyes lit up when he found out what I do for work. Read more


Stop Stuffing Stuff In: Why Relationships Don’t Work on Efficiency

By: Dr Justin Coulson | Happy Families

My wife and I are parents to six daughters.

Yes… six. Yes, we intentionally conceived them. No we weren’t trying for a boy. Yes, we do own a television (which we clearly do not have time to watch.) Read more