Rhema Prayer Nights

Our monthly prayer meeting is held at Rhema Central. That’s 16 Dyer Cres, West Gosford.

We believe it’s important to bathe our home in prayer, and lift up our community to our loving Father.

So if you’re able to join us we’d love to see you there!

Bringing Hope Behind Bars

Be a source of hope to prisoners by providing them with Bibles.

In Australia, there are currently more than 40,000 prisoners in custody. While these people are incarcerated, there is a unique opportunity to reach them with the Good News of the Bible and God’s Word.

Our goal is to place 4,000 Prison Bibles this year.

Partner with us today and Bring Hope Behind Bars. Every $15 donated will provide an inmate with their own Bible.

Follow this link to donate today!