Tag Archive for: Brian Harris

Hear, Help or Hug: Three Ways to Respond

By: Brian Harris

It was a slightly unexpected and somewhat abrupt question, but afterwards its wisdom struck me. Read more

Promise, Challenge and Task: 3 Helpful Reminders From Joshua

By: Brian Harris

I’m due to preach on Joshua as a one off message in a series exploring interesting Bible characters. Read more

Taking Steps Towards Radical Honesty

By: Brian Harris

Have you ever been in a relationship where the person says, “I want you to be completely honest with me” and you make the mistake of believing them? Read more

Living on the Edge: Why it’s OK to Only Partly Belong

By: Brian Harris

Many years back I read Paul Tournier’s A Place for You, and was struck by his story of a young man who said simply: “Basically I’ve always been looking for a place – a place to be.” Read more

Effort, Excellence, and Exclusion: Three Challenging “E” Words

By: Brian Harris

I’ve been fortunate enough to have pastored churches which grew, and I loved the challenge each brought: adding new buildings, enlarging the staff, seeing people grow in their love for Jesus and each other. Read more

The ‘Look Yourself in the Mirror’ Test

By: Brian Harris

I don’t know what your relationship with mirrors is, but mine is becoming a little hostile. Read more

The ‘Three Books of God’ and What They Can Teach Us

By: Brian Harris

If you’re into theology there is a fair chance that you’ve heard about the ‘two books of God’. Read more

Why Patience Pays Off: Slow and Steady Effort Now, Results Later

By: Brian Harris

I can still hear her saying it. She had been asked why so many people engage in ultimately destructive behaviours, while healthy habits are quietly ignored. Read more

The Art of Deep Listening, and Deep Seeing

By: Brian Harris

One fun thing about being part of a podcast is that it is only very loosely scripted and you find yourself saying things you don’t expect. Read more

Humility: A Baseline Virtue

By: Brian Harris

I imagine you have heard the usual quips about humility, often of the “I’m the most humble person I know,” variety. Read more