Charitable Giving and Generosity – Why Not Plan For It?

By: Helping Hands

“Generosity is about giving,” says Kristy Muir, the CEO of the Paul Ramsey Foundation, “and giving is a love of humanity.” Read more

Why Are We So Angry? The Hidden Culprit We May Be Missing

By: Sheridan Voysey

I recently sat in a doctor’s office waiting for a routine check-up. Read more

The Joy of Being ‘Selfish For Good’

By: Helping Hands

“There is a deep, deep value in being ‘good’ for nothing,” quips Jon Owen, CEO of Wayside Chapel, when talking about volunteers. Read more

Why Patience Pays Off: Slow and Steady Effort Now, Results Later

By: Brian Harris

I can still hear her saying it. She had been asked why so many people engage in ultimately destructive behaviours, while healthy habits are quietly ignored. Read more

From Languishing to Flourishing: How to Get There

By: Sabrina Peters

Have you ever found yourself caught in a state of “bla,” where each day seems to blur into the next, and your enthusiasm for life slowly fades away? Read more

What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – And Can it Help Me?

By: Sabrina Peters

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a widely practiced and evidence-based form of psychotherapy that focuses on the connections between thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Read more

Taco Beef and Sweet Potato Bake

By: Susan Joy

This healthy meal of Taco Beef and Sweet Potato Bake is the perfect weeknight meal. Read more

In an Information Age, Is Our Knowledge Exceeding Our Wisdom?

By: Michael McQueen

Is our knowledge exceeding our wisdom? Read more