Your Teen Doesn’t Need You to Be Their Bestie: Collett Smart

By: Joni Boyd

Many parents will admit – the temptation to just aim to be their child’s friend above all else, is strong. Read more

Hey Boomer! You Have Much to Offer Your Grandkids

By: Ben McEachen

Stop for a minute, to think about how hard it can be to be a grandparent. Read more

How to Spot a Highly Engaged School Community

By: Mark McCrindle

In the film School of Rock, Dewey Finn, played by Jack Black, exemplifies the power of engagement and belonging in a school community. Read more

7 Tips for Breaking the Parenting Pressure Cooker

By: Jennifer Chu

Imagine Lisa and Mark, parents of two young children living in Sydney, experiencing the whirlwind of a typical Monday morning. Read more

“Boys Aren’t the Issue”: Raising Good Men is Everyone’s Business

By: Ben McEachen

Is there a problem in Australia with young men?

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Conflicting Parenting Styles? Essential Parenting Pillars Can Help

By: Laura Bennett

If you’re a family with young children, one of the challenges of family life is negotiating the different parenting styles of you and your partner, and resolving differing opinions when they arise.

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Cyberbullying: Protecting Our Youth in the Digital Age

By: Rachel Chen

Digital technology has become an integral medium through which young people can communicate and connect with others. Read more

Building Men and Dads to Change Generations

By: Helping Hands

Each year, Dads4Kids hosts a Men’s Leadership Summit to equip men to be the best version of themselves. Read more

Top Five Essential Resources For Parents

By: Focus on the Family

There’s no doubt about it – parenting is a difficult and often thankless task that we seem to work tirelessly for. Read more

Fight for Children’s Mental Health Gains ‘Momentum’

By: Steff Willis

Momentum is a comprehensive self-help digital mental health program that brings vital evidence-informed treatments, tools and techniques to the fingertips of seven to 17-year-olds who are experiencing common mental health issues. Read more