Tag Archive for: christianity

Are You Prepared for Jesus’ Return?

By: Andrew Laird

In my job I meet up with a lot of people, and so whenever I go to a meeting I always go prepared…with a book. Read more


By: Andrew Laird

Have you heard the new term being used to describe those who turn up to the workplace rather than always work from home? Read more

The Fear of Death, and the Death of Fear

By: Stephen McAlpine

 Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil— and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death. (Heb 2:14-15) Read more

When Your Footy Team is Awful

By: Andrew Laird

My footy team is having an absolutely awful season.  Read more

The Hunger that Food Can’t Satisfy

By: Sharon Cooper 

The most dangerous time to reach for a snack might be the hour before dinner is served. Read more

When You Forget Your Password

By: Robert Martin

Recently, I went online to buy some tickets to see Taylor Swift. Read more

Do You Have the Wrong Impression About Christians?

By: Andrew Laird

Lately, my TikTok feed has been filled with videos of dangerous Australian animals; huge snakes in the roof, giant spiders in the bathroom, kangaroos attacking people on the street. Read more

A Famous Concert Violinist Busks in a Subway – Why Does Nobody Stop?

By: Sam Chan

In 2007, in a famous experiment, Grammy-winning violin player, Joshua Bell, played his violin in a Washington subway but nobody stopped to listen. Read more

What the World’s Most Famous Atheist Says About Christianity Now

By: Akos Balogh

Famous British Atheist Richard Dawkins used to say that raising children to be Christian was a form of child abuse. Read more