Tag Archive for: Jesus

A Different Way to Rest

By: Andrew Laird

Recently, I was reading about the incredibly long hours Australians work: Read more

A Famous Concert Violinist Busks in a Subway – Why Does Nobody Stop?

By: Sam Chan

In 2007, in a famous experiment, Grammy-winning violin player, Joshua Bell, played his violin in a Washington subway but nobody stopped to listen. Read more

What’s the Point of Jesus’ Miracles? ‘The Chosen’ Spiritual Advisor Offers Answers

By: Laura Bennett

Are you curious about miracles? Do you wonder why Jesus performed them? Read more

Aren’t All Religions the Same?

By: Sam Chan 

My brother and I are Chinese-Australian. Read more

“Easter Cancelled! They’ve Found the Body!”

By: Brian Harris

Graffiti was an art form during my university days. It adorned three of the walls of every toilet cubicle. Read more

The Message of Easter: A Love that Conquers Death

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

For as long as humanity has left its imprint on planet earth, in clay and in stone, in monuments as well as in writing, music, and in art, we have tried to defeat death. Read more

A Time for Joy

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

Jesus’ final, triumphant entry into Jerusalem was just what the name says. Read more

The Chosen, Season Four: Sneak Peek

By: Russ Matthews

The cultural phenomenon of The Chosen series has captured the world’s attention and given audiences a fresh means of engaging with the story of Jesus’ life.  Read more

What is Your Operating System?

By: Sam Chan

Do you own a smartphone? Read more