Tag Archive for: school

How to Spot a Highly Engaged School Community

By: Mark McCrindle

In the film School of Rock, Dewey Finn, played by Jack Black, exemplifies the power of engagement and belonging in a school community. Read more

The Great Teacher Exodus: Tackling Burnout in the Education Sector

By: McCrindle

Teachers play a vital role in society. They are at the forefront of equipping the next generation with the skills they need to thrive. Read more

Starting School Well: the ABCs of Transitioning to School

By: Amy Cheng

Starting school for the first time can be scary for both a child and their parents, however, an academic specialising in early childhood education has come up with a simple recipe to make that transition easier.
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Review of Funding for School Chaplaincy Underway

By: Steff Willis

An independent evaluation will assess the effectiveness of chaplaincy in supporting the wellbeing of school students and the broader school community. Read more

Want Your Kids to Do Well in School? Send Them to Church First!

By: City Bible Forum

For most of this year, my wife and I have been agonising over whether to send our first born, nearly 4-year-old son, to a public or an independent religious school. Read more

Top 5 Education Trends

By: McCrindle

The education sector provides the framework to educate and prepare Australia’s future generations. The magnitude of this impact warrants investigating and understanding the key trends affecting the education sector.

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What To Expect From The Schools Of Tomorrow

By: Michael McQueen

Recent years have seen the discussion of the relevance of the current education system come to dominate public dialogue.
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School Chaplaincy To Be Axed in ACT, Fear Other States Will Follow

By: Beth Rivers

From the end of this year, the ACT Government has decided to cut the school chaplaincy program from public schools, triggering an urgent campaign to overturn the decision.
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A Focus On Holistic Education is #trending In Schools

By: McCrindle

As when, where and how we work shifts, greater attention is being given to the holistic upbringing of students in school.
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