Tag Archive for: The Centre for Effective Living

7 Tips for Breaking the Parenting Pressure Cooker

By: Jennifer Chu

Imagine Lisa and Mark, parents of two young children living in Sydney, experiencing the whirlwind of a typical Monday morning. Read more

Cyberbullying: Protecting Our Youth in the Digital Age

By: Rachel Chen

Digital technology has become an integral medium through which young people can communicate and connect with others. Read more

How to Improve Your Mental Wellbeing With Exercise

By: Nicola Hodren 

We are all familiar with the benefits of exercise for our physical health, but we often forget that exercise is one of the best things we can do to protect and improve our mental wellbeing. Read more

How to Ease Your Stress With a ‘Mindfulness Moment’

By: Michelle Nortje

By being mindful of our social and sensory needs and limits, we can avoid becoming burnt out, bombarded and over-committed. Read more

7 Principles for a Successful Relationship

By: Jennifer Chu

Ever wonder how it would be if we could put couples in a lab and study their way of interaction to uncover the secrets behind successful and unsuccessful relationships? Read more

How Can I Find Momentum to Achieve My Goals?

By: Rinet Van Lill

As the year speeds by, many of us have long forgotten our New Year’s resolutions. It seems like that fresh burst of motivation has simply vanished in the blink of an eye! Read more

How to Be Okay With Not Being Perfect

By: Sarah Hindle

In my previous (music) career, I spent many years focussing on error; of technique, resonance, intonation or phrasing. Read more

Is Acceptance the Key to Treating Sleep Problems?

By: Jennifer Chu

What happens when you find yourself having difficulty falling asleep, let’s say, by 2am in the morning? Read more