Tag Archive for: faith

‘The Faith of Elvis’: Billy Stanley Recounts the Prayers of an Icon

By: Laura Bennett

In the recent Elvis movie the life one of the most successful superstars was explored with Baz Luhrman giving it the glitzy Hollywood treatment only he can. Read more

Hey Christian, Don’t ‘Quiet Quit’ Your Faith

By: Stephen McAlpine

Hey Christian, are you in danger of quiet quitting your faith?  You know what quiet quitting is, don’t you? Read more

Does Church Matter?

By: Brian Harris

I’ve just finished teaching a week long intensive called “Denominational Distinctives.” Read more

Seeing the Eternal in the Ephemeral: Can Sport Point us Towards God?

By: Aaron Johnstone

When was the last time you simply sat back, embraced the moment and took it all in? For me it was over the weekend, seeing an annual tradition grow in significance and membership over the AFL Grand Final weekend. Read more

Treasures in the Darkness

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

Once I was driving overnight through the country from one state to another, when I just had to stop the car. Read more

How Did I Get Here?

By: 1079Life

My recent  article was about that feeling of “It wasn’t supposed to be like this.” Coming in a close second behind that experience has to be, “How did I get here?” Read more

What if Jesus Never Knew You?

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 7:21, NIV).

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Our Knowable God – And the Unknowable, Hard-To-Please Gods of Ancient Times

By: Tania Harris

In 2019, in a coastal area of northern Peru, archaeologists discovered the largest child burial site ever found. Lying beneath a lonely plot of desert sands were the skeletons of 227 children between the ages of 4 and 14. Read more

The Subjective State of ‘Secularism’ – What is a Secular Country, Really?

By: City Bible Forum

It’s a bit of a buzz term at the moment, but when we say “Australia is a secular country” are we talking about a freedom from religion or a freedom for religion in this wide brown country of ours? Read more